ecoBirdy created a children's book about recycling

Journey to a New Life

ecoBirdy created a children's book with the aim of raising awareness about sustainability and introducing children to the circular economy. 

The story begins with a plastic push bike – we have all seen them around – starting as a product in a toyshop to becoming a kid's best friend.

ecoBirdy created a children's book with the aim of raising awareness about sustainability and introducing children to the circular economy.

Later, when the kid grows up (fast), the toy is abandoned and then disposed of. Push bikes' friends are no better off: one ends up in a landfill, one in the stomach of a whale and one in an incinerator.

ecoBirdy created a children's book about a push bike with the aim of raising awareness about sustainability and introducing children to the circular economy.

But this Toy Story has a happy ending. In the second part, they are saved and are given a new life through waste management. The toys have been transformed into furniture and once again accompany the kids.

For kids, toys are products they know and love. Nothing else can make them more engaged. It may be their first experience of the circular economy. It brings the story full circle.

The story of this book is based on our own research and the main protagonists in the book are the most common toys. This was important to us to enable kids to easily identify with the book’s story. “A journey to a new life” is full of vivid and colourful illustrations that tell Scooter’s story in a light and approachable way, inspiring young people to care for our planet and contribute to a sustainable future. The book is also used in our school program.

Journey to a new life is printed in Belgium on 100% recycled and chlorine-free paper.

Story by ecoBirdy.
This book can be ordered from our webshop.



Sustainable children's furniture

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