ecoBirdy Stories

The Origin Story of Our Kiwi Container

The playful shape of Kiwi Container is suggestive of a kiwi bird, and its removable beak opens the body for storage.

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Frost Table: a New Way to Look at Electrical Appliances

ecoBirdy embraces the second life of discarded white goods.

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Mabo Plates at Château La Chapelle

A green synergy between sustainable living and healthy eating.

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Climate Change Statistic - Part 3

ecoBirdy Climate Change Statistics exhibition - Data explanation part 3.

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Climate Change Statistic - Part 2

ecoBirdy Climate Change Statistics exhibition - Data explanation part 2.

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Climate Change Statistic - Part 1

ecoBirdy Climate Change Statistics exhibition - Data explanation part 1.

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Journey to a New Life

A story made for children where plastic toys get a new life as design furniture.

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Sustainable children's furniture

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