ecoBirdy Stories

ecoBirdy’s Sustainable Packaging

The packaging we use is smartly designed to minimise the resources consumed. We apply the three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. 

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How Birds Shaped ecoBirdy's Brand Identity

Why we care about them and how we are helping.

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Commitment to Inclusive Design

Inclusivity should be essential in design, because it advocates equal opportunities, social integration, and dignity for all individuals.

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ecoBirdy at Young V&A Museum in London

The Design Gallery hosts a display section entirely dedicated to ecoBirdy’s case study. In the theme of "Design for change".

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Milk Magazine - Interview with ecoBirdy

ecoBirdy’s co-founders Vanessa Yuan and Joris Vanbriel to discuss their sustainable approach to furniture design.

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Charlie Chair Ultra Pink: Giving a Circular Life to Manufacturing Waste

ecoBirdy launches a limited edition of its iconic kids' chair.

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Frost Table: a New Way to Look at Electrical Appliances

ecoBirdy embraces the second life of discarded white goods.

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Outdoor Time Makes You Healthier

Contact with nature has a positive impact on kids and grown-ups.

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How ecoBirdy Associates with the Montessori Educational Method

An ultra-safe furniture set that encourages kid’s self-development.

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The Inclusive Design of Mabo Plate

Ergonomic shape and meaningful features to help scooping.

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ecoBirdy's Circular Economy Vision - Interview by Reframe

The visions of designers Vanessa Yuan and Joris Vanbriel about circular economy.

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Mabo Plates at Château La Chapelle

A green synergy between sustainable living and healthy eating.

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Sustainable children's furniture

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